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Madness and Wonder is not an Alice in Wonderland story. It does spend time in a world called Wonderland, and our Hero is a character who calls himself Hatter, but this wonderland is not so campily exaggerated and not intended as family entertainment. In Madness and Wonder, Wonderland is just one of infinite worlds created by humanities collective dreams and imaginings, though it is our Hatter’s favorite world. In dreams, stories and fairy tails mingle with darker desires, and Rosie and Hatter fall in love traveling in these worlds. The stories of the new movie and my book are very different, but with a common Wonderland thread.

It was because of this common setting, that I was hoping the new movie would get grown ups wondering. Thinking about if there was a take on wonderland for adult palates, and that they might find my book. It’s still is a hope, but not as strong a hope as if the ‘through the looking glass’ movie got better reviews. If the movie did better, it might have inspired more Wonderland searches where Madness and Wonder might be found.

So, I guess I’ll just have to keep sharing Madness and Wonder Quotes as memes, and hope those find their way to my readers without a Wonderland synergy bonus.

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